Tips for soft hands in winter

Our hands often suffer from dryness, dehydration or irritation, while their exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet rays, accelerates the aging of the skin in the area. In winter, due to the low temperatures and the alternation of heat and cold, as we move from indoors to outdoors, our hands “pop”, which means that they may even look scratched – an image that, in addition to being unsightly, can It is also very painful and is accompanied by intense stinging.

Especially during the period we are going through, due to the very frequent use of antiseptic products and cleaners, it is more than necessary to take proper care of our hands. So let’s see in a little more detail, how we can best protect the area of ​​our hands, with simple tips that will give us soft and youthful skin in one of the most “difficult” parts of our skin.

Proper washing

If there is one thing we have reverently adopted lately to protect our health, it is proper and frequent hand washing. This may affect our skin, but it does not mean that we should say goodbye to the softness of our hands, as there is a way to wash our hands as often as needed and not to burden them. We are well aware that frequent use of soap leads to dehydration of the hands, as antibacterial products absorb the natural moisture of our skin. But we can choose a soap rich in moisturizing ingredients, oils, aloe, and even olive oil, which also care for our skin.

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Two more very simple things we can do when washing our hands to avoid dryness are: Use lukewarm water and not too hot – as hot water can upset the balance of skin components – and to prefer paper or cotton towels for drying, ie to avoid hot air machines used for this purpose, as electric dryers intensify the dehydration of the hand area.

The right moisturizer

A moisturizing hand cream that we apply quite often, is considered essential for our hands. A rich cream, which offers nutrients to the skin of our hands, is good to apply at least every morning and every night. But especially in periods like the one we are going through – due to the low temperatures of the season and the necessary use of cleaning and antiseptic products which put a lot of strain on our hands – it is good to apply it more often, ie after each wash. So it’s worth it to always have a moisturizing hand cream in our bag, but what will really help us not to miss it, is to place a package – ideally with a pump, for even greater convenience – in the bathroom of our house, where we wash our hands more often, that is.

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In exceptional cases, we can use hand masks, wearing special gloves for a few hours during the day, while a simple “trick” that we can do at any time, is to apply the moisturizing hand cream at night, before going to bed and wearing thin , cotton gloves throughout sleep: It is absolutely certain that we will wake up with the softest hands we have ever had.

Careful grooming

Proper care of our hands all year round, ensures that our skin will respond in the best way whenever needed, even in the most adverse conditions. Exfoliating with a hand scrub that we can make even at home, mixing for example coarse salt with olive oil, helps remove dead cells and makes our hands softer and more radiant. Equally important is the sun protection of our hands, since we go outside during the hottest hours of the day.

Finally, we can also avoid direct contact with our skin when using cleansers, wearing a pair of gloves, which will protect our hands. In any case, let’s not forget that a well-groomed manicure makes our hands look elegant, clean and shiny. It is therefore worth a small investment in a nourishing oil for the cuticles and the appropriate tools, with which we will take care of our nails ourselves, at least once a week.

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